Volker Bosch's Homepage


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Professional history:

  • Studies of Electrical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart.
  • Assistant at the IEMA (Institute for Electrical Machinery and Drives) of the University of Stuttgart.

Priorities of my work at the IEMA:

Hobby projects:

Here you find some of my hobby projects of which I assume that they might be interesting for other people:
  • V24/RS232 interface for the HAMEG HM 205-2 digital storage oscilloscope. Here you'll find a short description and the compressed (gzip) TAR archive file containing the printed circuit board layouts (designed with pcb ver.1.6.3), the firmware for the ATMEL AT90S8515 micro-controller (developed with AVR-GCC) and the software for the host computer (Linux -- sorry, no Mickeysoft version available). hm205.tar.gz
    Note: Unfortunately I cannot send copies of the HM205 User's Manual. Please refer to professionals, like Schaltungsdienst Lange, Berlin.
  • Some soft- and hardware for the In-System-Programming (ISP) of the Atmel-Micro-controllers (AVR and AT89Sxxxx). Here you'll get a short description as well as the gzip compressed TAR-archive, containing the printed circuit board layouts (designed with pcb ver.1.6.3), and the software for the host computer (Linux 2.2.16-i86/glibc2). avrprog.tar.gz
  • Evaluation boards for some Atmel Micro-controllers. Here you'll find a short description and for each supported micro-controller a gzip compressed TAR file containing the pcb layouts (designed with pcb ver.1.6.3). boards.tar
  • A very simple Gal assembler, it supports only 16V8(A) and 20V8(A) GALs. But you'll get a very nice list file of the programmed IC. The project is quite old, what might excuse the rather clumsy style of programming... The file galasmen.txt contains a short description. galasm.tar.gz
  • A program for generating logic equations for the design of sequential statemachines can be found as tgz archive in this directory. The text file statemachineen.txt is a short description of the program. statemachine.tar.gz.
  • qmc is a program for minimization of logical equations using the method of Quine and McCluskey. In the directory quinemccluskey you'll find a gzip compressed Tar archive containing the source code an the short description qmcen.txt. qmc.tar.gz

Volker Bosch
Sep. 02. 2006